Tattoo aftercare
Following the aftercare given to you by your artist is an important factor in your healing process. Please feel free to contact us or stop in if you have any questions about healing your new tattoo.
The moisturizing method is simply removing your initial bandage and then proceeding to regularly wash and moisturize your tattoo until healed. You may receive a dry lock bandage or saran wrap to cover their tattoo if you’re planning to remove it between the minimum 6 hours or next morning. If you received a Tegaderm or other second skin bandage, please read our entire aftercare for proper removal and healing process.
Only tend to your tattoo with washed hands.
Keep the bandage on for a minimum of 6 hours. We do recommend keeping it on overnight to prevent sticking to clothing and sheets, provided the dressing feels comfortable and secure. Always remove the bandage if leaking occurs. Do not keep the dry lock bandage or saran wrap on longer than the overnight wear.
After removing your bandage, gently wash your tattoo with warm water and fragrance-free soap, carefully washing away all residue. Gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel. There is no need to rebandage.
Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free moisturizer to your tattoo at least 2-3 times a day during the first few days of healing. Moisturizing more frequently throughout the day is fine as the tattoo begins to peel and itch. Moisturizer should be used very sparingly and should absorb within a few moments. If there is moisturizer sitting on your tattoo, you have applied too much and can gently blot to excess with a paper towel.
In 2-3 days, your tattoo will begin to flake or scab. Regular light moisturizing will relieve some of the itchiness. Do not scratch or pick at your new tattoo, as this causes risk of infection and can damage your tattoo.
Continue to wash your tattoo as needed. We recommend washing your tattoo last in the shower, after sweating, and any time your tattoo makes contact with any unclean hand or surface. Over washing your tattoo can cause excessive dryness and flaking, which can cause poor healing, but is better than risking infection. Always wash your tattoo if it needs it. Moisturizing after washing will help prevent excessive dryness.
Do not submerge your tattoo in pools, baths, hot tubs, or other bodies of water until fully healed. Showers are fine. Always wash your tattoo last in the shower to remove residual shampoo, conditioner, or soap. Only wash your tattoo with fragrance-free soap and pat dry with a clean towel rather than your normal body towel.
Do not expose your tattoo to direct sunlight or tanning bed until fully healed. UV rays will break down the pigment in your tattoo, especially during the healing process. Sunscreen is recommended for tattoo longevity, but only after your tattoo is fully healed.
Avoid constricting clothing and accessories like bra straps, tight waistbands, watches, jewelry over a fresh tattoo.
Wait to exercise while your tattoo is healing. Excessive sweating and strange movement can negatively affect your tattoo. Open wounds around gym equipment can cause infection. We recommend taking it easy until your tattoo has at least reached the scabbing phase, but continue to be gentle with your tattoo beyond that to avoid peeling your tattoo.
Your tattoo should be totally healed in around 4-12 weeks, depending on many factors including age, health, and lifestyle.
If you have been provided with a Tegaderm (also known as Saniderm, Tattooderm, Dynarex) bandage. This method of healing is a little different, so it's important to follow these steps.
Tegaderm is a sterile, breathable, waterproof, germ-proof barrier to protect your new tattoo. Tegaderm will protect your tattoo from contamination and will also protect your clothes and sheets from excess ink, blood and fluid that are the normal by-products of healing a tattoo. You can shower normally while healing, but please still abstain from swimming or submerging your tattoo in bodies of water.
You may continuously wear your Tegaderm for 3-5 days, if instructed by your artist. You will not have to wash or moisturize your tattoo during this time. We do recommend keeping it on overnight to prevent sticking to clothing and sheets, provided the dressing feels comfortable and secure. Always remove the bandage if leaking occurs, or if the bandage starts peeling up and exposing your tattoo. Your tattoo will produce plasma, which will mix with the ink and resorb into your skin. This can make your tattoo appear cloudy or distorted underneath the clear bandage.
We recommend slowly and carefully removing the bandage in the shower. Use warm water while pulling the edges away from the tattoo to loosen them, like peeling a command strip off of the wall by pulling the tab. Discard the bandage. Wash your tattoo with warm water and fragrance-free soap, carefully washing away all residue. Pat dry with a clean paper towel and moisturize lightly. You can now use a fragrance-free moisturizer on your tattoo for the next few days to relieve the residual dryness. If your bandage is removed early, the tattoo may require you to continue the moisturizing method healing listed above, until fully healed.
Larger tattoos or heavily shaded tattoos can produce excessive plasma and form an liquid sack under the bandage. Though naturally occurring, excessive amounts of this liquid can cause a moisture rash and irritate the tattoo, so you may be required to remove or replace the bandage. If you have been instructed by your artist to replace your bandage and received a second bandage, you may remove the first piece of Tegaderm the morning after the tattoo to replace it with a second piece and continue to wear the second piece for the remaining 3-5 days, as instructed by your artist.
When replacing the Tegaderm bandage with a second piece, gently wash and then allow your tattoo to airdry before applying the second bandage. Do not moisturize your tattoo before the second bandage, as this creates excess moisture trapped to your tattoo, and prevents the second bandage from adhering.
Remove the second piece of Tegaderm in 3-5 days starting from the day you were tattooed. Wash off the remaining dried fluid. You can now use a fragrance-free moisturizer on your tattoo for the next few days to relieve the residual dryness.